baby ace Service & News

Service & News

TB511G Award winning

INNOVA TB511G award winning "reddot design award winner 2012","IDEA international design excellence awards 12","Golden Pin"

F & Q

How often will you use your stroller

If you plan to use your stroller every day and to fold and unfold it frequently, choose a stroller that folds quickly and easily.

What will you use your stroller for?

Will you use your stroller mainly to go out and about in the city center or do you prefer to spend time on long walks with your baby in the countryside? Small front wheels are more maneuverable, so will be more suitable for urban use. Big wheels and good suspension are great for nature walks. 3-wheelers and air-tires wheels are the best option for uneven terrain. Also bear in mind that the more time your child spends in their stroller the more comfortable it will need to be. Young babies should be able to rest in a comfortable, safe lying position. For a newborn, a pram or a stroller frame with a safety carrycot or infant car seat attached is the best solution. For toddler, choose a stroller with a reclining back rest. If you plan to do a lot of shopping with your stroller, pay attention to the size and the accessibility of the basket underneath the seat.

Where are you going to store your stroller?

If you live in a spacious house with a garage, you’re likely to have lots of storage space. But if you live in a high-rise apartment where space is precious, a lightweight stroller with a smart compact fold will suit you better. Also, think about how often you’ll put your stroller in your car trunk, especially if you have a small car or lots of things to carry.

Are you looking for a stroller for your newborn baby or for your toddler?

At the newborn stage of development, babies need to lie flat. They also feel more secure facing you. The baby stroller you use should have a lie-back seat unit and ideally be parent-facing. You can also use a carrycot that fits on to the stroller to form a pram, or a baby car seat that clips onto the frame. You’ll then be able to move your baby from home or from the car without disturbing them. During the 1st months, it’s important your little one is comfortable. Check that your stroller has a well-padded seat unit, a covering hood and a rain cover. Once your child becomes a toddler, they will be happy to discover the world seated facing forward in their stroller. They will also gradually spend less time in the stroller but still will need to rest in it sometimes during the day. A lighter, more compact buggy will then be the perfect choice.

Products Award